Colorado Nursing Programs

Online Nursing ProgramsIf you have been thinking about choosing a career in nursing, there is no better time to look into nursing education and nurse programs in Colorado. For over a decade, the state has been facing a nursing shortage crisis and they are looking more than ever to new graduates to step in and take their place in the workforce. In order to fix the current shortage and allow for projected growth in the healthcare industry, Colorado is looking to see around 1700 new nursing graduates per year. Discussed below are the educational and licensing requirements of the state.

There are 31 accredited schools located throughout the state of Colorado. Before applying, you must have some form of prerequisites. There are some licensed practical nurse (LPN) programs that may allow prospective students to apply straight out of high school if their grades are exemplary. As a general rule, courses such as English, physiology and chemistry at the introductory college level must be taken for the LPN programs.  Also, Undergraduate study equaling 15 credit hours is usually required for the registered nurse (RN) programs.

Nursing Programs ColoradoThe LPN programs are usually a year in length and cover a wide range of skills required for nursing. RN programs are either a two year (ADN) or a four year (BSN), and a more advanced range of skills are explored.

Upon graduation, you must apply to the Colorado State Board of Nursing in order to be able to take the NCLEX as well as to receive a temporary permit to work. Once the BON is satisfied that you have met all of the requirements, you will be issued your ATT. After waiting a few days, you may then create the Healthcare Professions Profile that is required by the state. LPN graduates in Colorado are not automatically granted a license for IV. If you wish to have one, you must apply separately. In the state of Colorado, you are only permitted to take the NCLEX three times for licensing purposes, and it should be taken within three years. If you do not pass after the third attempt, you will not be able to receive licensing in Colorado.

While working underneath your temporary permit, you are not permitted to have any charge responsibilities, and you must work under the direct supervision of an RN who is currently licensed. Once you have received your permanent license, you can work anywhere in Colorado and will possess all of the skills and knowledge that are required to perform your nursing duties safely and effectively.

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