Connecticut Nursing Programs

Online Nursing EducationEven though the state may be small, Connecticut is facing the same nursing problem as the rest of the nation. With the great potential for expansion in this rewarding career field, nurse programs and nursing education in Connecticut is experiencing growth in applicants. It is expected that the demand for RNs in the state will have risen 15% by 2018. There are 20 accredited nursing schools in Connecticut you can look into and choose from, and two of them are considered to be among the nation’s best. If you are thinking about a career in nursing in Connecticut, here is what you will need to know about educational and licensing requirements in the state.

Typically in Connecticut, it is often recommended that you have completed an undergraduate degree in biology or a similar field if you are aiming to become a licensed nurse. There are numerous entry points into the nursing field in Connecticut. You can choose to register for the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) program, which is about one year in length.  This program prepares you by not only class work, but also clinical hands-on experience that is invaluable once you get your degree.

Nursing Programs ConnecticutIf you are interested in becoming a Registered Nurse (RN), you can get your ADN or BSN from one of the state universities or colleges. Alternatively, you may also choose to receive your RN diploma from one of the programs that are hospital based. The ADN program is two years, while the BSN is typically four years in length. Any of these programs will well prepare you for competent practice in the nursing field.

Immediately upon graduation from your chosen program, you will want to apply right away to the Connecticut State Board of Nursing (BON).  This application will enable you to take the mandatory NCLEX test, as well as to receive your temporary permit to work as a Graduate Nurse (GN) for a period of 90 days. Once the BON has determined that you are eligible to write the NCLEX test, you will receive you ATT and temporary work permit in the mail.

While working as a Graduate Nurse, you must be under the direct and constant supervision of a currently licensed RN. You also are unable to have any care responsibilities. Once you have received your permanent license, you will then be able to work anywhere in the state.

Connecticut also has several innovative programs at both the school and state levels that give students in nursing practical experience in working with diverse populations.

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