Delaware Nursing Programs

Online Nursing EducationAre you empathetic and do you feel a sincere desire to help those who are sick or in pain? If this sounds like you, maybe you should consider a career in nursing. Or perhaps you already are. If this is the case, nursing education and nurse programs in Delaware at one of the 8 accredited schools are well worth looking into. With nursing being one of the fastest growing career choices in the nation, job prospects look rosy. Statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor expect jobs to increase by 22% by the year 2018. Here is what you will need to know about education and requirements for licensing in Delaware.

It is possible in Delaware for some students looking to enter the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) program to do so without taking any prerequisite courses, although this depends upon the school itself. However, for those who are wishing to become Registered Nurses (RN), they normally have to complete understudy courses in English, biology, math and psychology that equal 15 credit hours. These courses are extremely important in applied nursing, and high grades are essential. Many students begin with the LPN program so that they are gaining valuable experience while obtaining all the prerequisites that are needed for the RN program.

The LPN program is usually one year in length and focuses mainly on hands on care. The two year ADN covers all basic nursing skills as well as covering research and nurse management. For the four year BSN, you will also learn advanced management, practice and theory skills as well as choosing specialty elective courses.

Nursing Programs DelawareAfter you have graduated, you will apply to the Delaware State Board of Nursing to take the NCLEX, as well as apply for a temporary permit to work. Once the BON has confirmed your eligibility to take the NCLEX, you will be issued your ATT and temporary permit. Temporary permits expire 90 days after the date of issue, and if you fail your NCLEX, the permit will become void immediately. While you are working under the authority of a temporary permit, you must be under the direct supervision of a currently licensed RN, and you may not be given any charge responsibilities at all.

Once you have received your license, you may work anywhere in the state of Delaware. The NCLEX is a very comprehensive test so once you have passed, you can feel secure in your abilities as a nurse, and know that you have all the proper knowledge and training for this worthwhile career.

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