Indiana Nursing Programs

Online Nursing ProgramsHave you lately been considering nursing as your career path? Are you someone that others will call upon in their time of need because of your knowledge, calmness and level head? Nursing is a demanding career yet one of the most rewarding. Growth in this workplace is expected to stay on the rise, making this a great time to look into nurse schools and nursing education in Indiana. If this is the path that you want to choose, here is what you need to know about licensing and education requirements in the state of Indiana to become either an RN or an LPN.

Across Indiana, there are 50 accredited schools that offer degrees in nursing programs. The quickest way to begin your career as a nurse is to become a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). This degree program is one year in length, and some programs require that you hold a current license as a CNA, or Certified Nursing Assistant. Education prerequisites before you will be accepted may include such courses as microbiology, English, biology, anatomy and medical science. Indiana prefers that you have a strong background in order to prepare you for your upcoming continuing education.

Nursing Programs IndianaIf you decide to become a Registered Nurse (RN), you can choose between either the 2 year Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) degree program, or the much more comprehensive 4 year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree program. Either of these is conceptually and practically well rounded courses of study that will give you the knowledge to perform as a nurse with a high level of standards.

Once you have completed your degree program, you will need to apply to the Indiana Board of Nursing to get permission to write the NCLEX test. Once the BON has reviewed all of the relevant documentation and information, they will determine your eligibility to take the NCLEX test. Once approved you will receive your Authorization to Test (ATT) in the mail.

Indiana does not allow new graduates to work as nurses with a temporary permit. You must hold a full license to practice in the state. Once you have passed the NCLEX and received your full license, you are free to practice anywhere in the state you choose to go. You will feel fully confident in your abilities and skills as well as live up to the level of concentration and commitment that is demand by your new career.

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