Washington Nurse Programs

LPN Online ProgramsAs with nearly every other state in the nation, Washington needs more nurses and they are recruiting desperately to get them. The state is not only focused on securing trained nursing professional but also on retaining them. There are many options for nurse schools and nursing programs available if you are considering nursing as a career. One notable difference is that unlike most states, Washington requires a yearly license renewal, as opposed to every two years.

Licensed Practical Nurse Programs in Washington

Within the state, LPNs make up 15% of the nursing workforce according to statistics and has a comfort score that sits in the middle nationwide. The LPN program is one year in length and focuses on hands-on experience. Once you have graduated, you will be eligible to write the NCLEX-PN exam. A LPN’s day is fast paced and the variety of duties that are performed can vary depending on job setting. Some duties that you can be expected to perform include assisting in creating patient treatment plans, bathing and feeding, performing diagnostic procedures, administering medications, taking vital signs and keeping accurate patient care and history records.

Nurse Programs WashingtonRegistered Nurse Programs in Washington

According to the Washington State Board of Nursing, there are 42 accredited nurse schools throughout the state that offer degree options to students. There are 2 recognized RN degrees in the state. You can take the Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) program which is 2 years or you may choose to graduate from the more intensive Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, which is 4 years in length. Either degree option will allow you to take the NCLEX-RN exam. A RN in Washington can expect to perform daily duties including establishing treatment plans, setting up IVs, giving injections, supervising LPNs and CNAs, treating medical emergencies, and much more.

Online Nurse Programs in Washington

A flexible option for obtaining your degree is available through online course programs. They allow you to study at your pace while still working or continuing to practice in the nursing field to upgrade your degree. This is a great option for entry-level CNAs or LPNs who wish to advance. Online program options that are available include CNA, LPN, LPN-RN, LPN-BSN, RN-BSN and BSN-MSN. Accreditations vary from program to program, so it is a good idea to check with the Board of Nursing in order to ensure that your proposed program choice is accredited properly.

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