Georgia Nursing Programs

Nursing Education ProgramsIf you aspire towards a career that is fulfilling, rewarding and yet demanding, then it is time to consider a degree in nursing. There has never been a better time to investigate nurse schools and nursing education in Georgia. Recently released statistics by the Georgia School of Nursing stated that they are expecting to have a shortage equaling 20% by 2015. The demand for nurses in Georgia virtually guarantees job placement once you have passed your exams. This is what you will need to know to get started regarding education and licensing requirements in Georgia.

There are 40 accredited schools throughout the state of Georgia for your nursing degree goals. For those who are wishing to begin as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), the program is 1 year in length. Two year programs can be found as well and are offered through private nursing schools, colleges and vocational high schools.

If your choice is to be a Registered Nurse (RN), you are able to take the 2 year Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) or you may choose the more extensive Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program which is 4 years in length. In the state of Georgia, it has been reported that new ADN graduates may have difficulty obtaining a position without prior experience in the field as either an LPN or CNA. It is for this reason that many choose to take the four year BSN degree program.

Nursing Programs GeorgiaOnce you have graduated from your field of study, then you need to apply to the Georgia State Board of Nursing.  They are responsible for giving you permission to take the NCLEX test, as well as to apply for your temporary permit to work as a Graduate Nurse (GN). After the BON has reviewed your application along with all relevant documentation, they will determine your eligibility to write the NCLEX test. Once you have been approved, you will receive your ATT as well as your temporary permit to work in the mail.

While you are working as a GN, you are required to be under the direct and constant supervision of a currently licensed RN. You will also not be able to be given any care responsibilities. Once you have received your permanent license, then you will be able to work anywhere in the state.

The high standards that Georgia sets for its graduates will ensure that you are highly capable of performing your duties safely and competently in your new and wondrous career.

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