Hawaii Nursing Programs

Online Nursing DegreesJust like most of the other U.S. states, there is an explosion of applicants for nursing degree programs in Hawaii. And who could blame them for wanting to study for their new and exciting career on this beautiful island? But the nursing shortage is also extending off the mainland, making it a great time to investigate nursing education and nurse schools in Hawaii. Job growth in this sector is expected to bloom here as much as in any other state. This is what you will need to know regarding educational and licensing requirements in Hawaii.

There are eight accredited schools for nursing throughout the state. If your choice is to become a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), there are requirements that you must meet in order to be accepted. There are certain courses that you must have completed successfully in high school, or you will have to take them at the college level before your application will be accepted. The LPN program is one year in duration, and the training is fairly extensive. There are background courses as well as courses in nursing theory and related studies. You will be taught the basics of pediatric care, surgical care, maternity care and various others. Once you have completed the in class portion, you will then need to complete your clinical studies successfully.

Nursing Programs HawaiiIf you are choosing to become a Registered Nurse (RN), you have the option of obtaining an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) which is a two year program. You can also obtain a Bachelor of Sciences in Nursing (BSN) degree which is a four year, intensive program of study.

Once you have received your degree from your chosen institution, you must apply to the Hawaii State Board of Nursing (BON) to receive permission to write the NCLEX test and also to get your temporary permit to work as a Graduate Nurse (GN). When the BON has reviewed your application and determined your eligibility to take the NCLEX test, you will receive your ATT and temporary permit in the mail.

While you are working as a GN, you must remain under the direct supervision of an RN who is currently licensed. You will be unable to have any charge responsibilities while working as a GN. Once you have received your permanent license, you can work anywhere in the state that you choose. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are now highly trained for your chosen position.

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