North Dakota Nursing Programs

RN to BSN Online ProgramDemand for all types of nurses is high in North Dakota, and it will only continue to rise. With a large segment of the population aging and many nursing professionals set to retire within the next 5 to 10 years, now is the best time to consider nurse schools and nursing programs in North Dakota. There are several educational options available in order for you to enter into this constantly exciting and rewarding career. They all have varying requirements, but a prospective student must take 5 level 1 college courses before applying. These include biology, English, psychology, statistics or math and physiology.

Licensed Practical Nurse Programs in North Dakota

LPNs make up 35% of the nursing workforce within the state. The outlook for employment remains positive, especially in the next five years. You must take an accredited LPN program from one of the institutions that have been approved by the North Dakota State Board of Nursing. It is typically one year in length and includes hands on experience. Some of the courses that you should be prepared to excel in are basic nursing skills, anatomy and physiology and pharmacology. You may also take the NCLEX-PN exam after graduation and then begin working. LPNs are valuable for all of the duties that they perform and often spend much more time with patients than an RN.

Nursing Programs North DakotaRegistered Nurse Programs in North Dakota

There are 15 accredited nursing schools throughout the state. There are two RN degrees that are recognized in North Dakota, the two year Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) degree program, or the 4 year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Classes in English and psychology are part of the curriculum a student can expect to take. Either degree choice will allow you to take the NCLEX-RN exam. RNs perform many different duties but can expect ones such as administering medications and injections, supervising LPNs and CNAs, diagnostic procedures, treating medical emergencies and performing CPR, along with many others. As North Dakota is a compact state, graduates have much flexibility for employment options.

Online Nurse Programs in North Dakota

Obtaining an online degree offers options for students who wish to begin their nursing career or for current nurses who choose to upgrade their degrees. Available online courses include CNA, LPN, LPN-RN, RN-BSN and BSN-MSN. Check with the BON before starting to ensure that your course is properly accredited.

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